Mach-Sens Hatchery Overview

Besides On Farm Hatching solutions, we can also make our sensors available to get a good overview of the Hatchery Conditions. We can measure temperature, humidity and CO2 in the setter and hatcher machines , but also in egg storage and also where eggs or chickens are ready for transport. This gives good overview of all conditions within the Hatchery.

See picture below how it looks in a custom overview of one of our customers before installing the sensors, but gives a good overview for customers of hatcheries that you take insight information seriously.

Example Hatchery Overview of Temperature and Humidity level.

We are now working on Trolley Location Tracking within the Hatchery for better insights of temperature and humidity from every trolley, but also location, impact of the trolleys during transport and angle movement control of the hatcher trolleys. 

If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected] and we will keep you updated.